Stage Technology

Stage Tech students have the opportunity to have hands-on experiences with the technical side of theatre. Throughout the year, students will run tech for the school’s assemblies, shows, and recitals. 

    Students will learn how to properly use drills, saws, and many other shop tools. They will also have the chance to design and build the sets for the school productions.

This Year’s Techies

Jacob Aronson

Addie Bair

Greyden Burgoyne

Bryce Cummings

Julia Dzineku

Keitra Earl

Amy Dimond

Oliver Glines

Baylee Hopkins

Lily Huff

Katie Robertson

Oliver Haws

Caleb Krommenhoek

Alex McAllister

Sean McAllister

Penny Messel

Mila Marquez

Lily Morton

Megan Pollock

Everett Lachowsky  

Brynlee Miller

Luka Rojas

Izzy Treseder

Skye Lorenc

Maxine Waldon

Maddie Jahnsen

Millie Nichols

Ava Rivera

Fianna Smith

Ezra Thorup

Maddy Wheeler

Eden Asp

Levi Bergman

Becca Campbell

Haden Davis

Sora Janis

Chase Johnson

Gene Pechin